☰ Franco-Hungarian Literary Relations

Franco-Hungarian Literary Relations


Blackfriars House New Bridge St. London EC4
Date: 22-08-1946
Language: English
Repository: Petőfi Museum of Literature
Document type: Typed letter
Publisher: Tüskés Anna (29-08-2021)
Folio number: 1

Dear Mr. Dormandi,

I was happy to ger your letter of August 19. Certainly I remember you – in fact, I was speaking of you only recently to my friend, and client, Paul Tabori. I will gladly do what I can with the short stories.

The market here is not a good one, and paper difficulties cause the editors to use only short-length material – usually not more than 2,500 words. However, I will do my best.

I hope you are well, and with best regards, I am,

Yours sincerely,

Frank C. Betts