☰ Franco-Hungarian Literary Relations

Franco-Hungarian Literary Relations


International P.E.N. A World Association of Writers, London
29, rue Surcouf, Paris 7e France.
Date: 01-05-1963
Language: English
Repository: Petőfi Museum of Literature
Document type: Typed letter
Publisher: Tüskés Anna (29-07-2017)
Folio number: 1

My dear Gara,

I understand from Paul Tabori that you are in touch with Tibor Dery. The British Council tells me that Dery has been invited to visit England, but that he has not yet replied. Their letter was sent care of the French P.E.N. Centre which, I imagine, is not the best address for Dery while in Paris !

The purpose of this letter is to ask you to hand the enclosed letter to Dery, in which I am inviting him to attend the meeting of the International Executive Commitee in Brighton from May 26th to 29th, as an honoured guest. Mr. Baker, of the East European Section of the British Council, thinks that if Dery is coming, as they hope, such an invitation might fit in with their plans for him. I think you would agree that it would be in every way suitable and satisfactory if Dery were our guest in Brighton, especially in view of the contents of the latest Bulletin of the French Centre.

Would you be good enough to let me know whether you have been able to hand my letter to Mr. Dery ? I shall be most grateful.

Kindest regards, Yours sincerely

David Carver

general Secretary